Alex Middleton történetei

Alex_Middl: Szia Havanna96: Szia Alex. Mizújs? Alex_Middl: Semmi kül. veled? Havanna96:semmi. milyen a suli? Alex_Middl:elmegy. Igazából semmi különös nincs. Havanna96:Nemis csodálom ott kint a francba, twinfallsba Alex_Middl:én szeretek itt lakni. és neked valami új? Havanna96:igazából most jöttem össze egy sráccal, egyik osztálytársam, szóval most happy vagyok. és neked van valami? Alex_Middl: hát alakul. de tudod hogy van ez xD. Volt már jópár aztán semmi hosszú Havanna96: :C Alex_Middl új bejegyzést írt. //Just fucked my gf, nice one xD// Havanna96: :| még a közben is chatelsz? Alex_Middl: nem az már 5 perce. meg tudod mindig elérhetőnek kell lenni Havanna96: Ühümmm

Friss topikok

  • Miyako-chan: Szia, eltudnád küldeni nekem a fent említett könyvet erre az e-mail címre: ... (2010.12.19. 01:19)

2011.05.30. 18:42 gr3ml1n


 This is only a plan. I hadn't had any idea, I just grab a pen on the tram and write down what is on my mind. sorry about it. 

I'm nothing. I can be anything.
If this sentence is true, you could be anybody in the matter of seconds.
But why would I want to be anybody else? In fact, why not? 
To understand this question, you will have to think.
Do the writer of this, hates his life? 
No, I can tell you. I don't hate my life. 
Maybe the writer hates himself? 
That's the point. See, ask questions to understand questions. 
Just like the persons. 
What do you mean, writer? 
Ask questions to understand a person. 
It is very easy to give someone a nick like, "She is a bitch." or "He is a geek".
But think. 
If she is a bitch, why? 
Why do you think she is a bitch? 
She is dressing like a bitch? 
You should know, that how is somebody looks like, does not refer, who is she inside. I'm not saying that everyone is a rough diamond inside. I understand that the girl what simply cannot think, and you can't speak 3 intelligent words, isn't awkward, but it is just a moron. But what is an inside of a "bitch"? 
Think about it. 
But now lets take a look to the geek. 
Geek is in my dictionary is a guy who spend way too much playing and doing stuff on his computer, without any social life. 
There is a question again. Why is somebody doing this? Doesn't he have any friend? I guess. Or his friends just live far away.
I don't know, at all. I only know that this is one of my life experiences, that the one who have not have any preconception of me, that kind of likes me. Do you get it what I'm saying? 

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